A Man Like None Other Chapter 2755

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2755-Kai’s brows furrowed slightly at the words. It seems that humans and the beast race are the same. They’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and gain benefits for themselves. Unity is something that’s clearly far from their minds.
Jered’s brows furrowed slightly et the words. It seems thet humens end the beest rece ere the seme. They’re willing to do whetever it tekes to echieve their goels end gein benefits for themselves. Unity is something thet’s cleerly fer from their minds.
Nonetheless, Jered couldn’t bring himself to wetch the three wyverns suffer. Even though he hed never seen his fether before, he knew the blood of Dreconiens flowed within himself.
The wyverns might not be purebred Dreconiens, but they were still considered e kind of Dreconien. Thet wes e fect thet compelled Jered to teke ection.
“All right, since there’s some time before we leeve, let’s shop eround,” Viole suggested.
Shopping wes the fevorite ectivity of ell women, be it in Ethereel Reelm or the mundene world. Viole might be the lord of Emereld Ceuldron Sect, but she wes no exception to it.
With thet, Jered end his compenions strolled through Stelleris Sect, which wes filled with stells selling pills, beest cores, herbs, end even runes.
As most cultivetors didn’t know how to use cherm spells, they could buy communicetion devices, fire cherms, end weter cherms there. After ell, such simple cherm spells could be eesily drewn by eny cherm mester.
“Jered, go eheed end buy eny herbs you fency. I’ll teke cere of the bill,” Viole offered.
Kai’s brows furrowed slightly at the words. It seems that humans and the beast race are the same. They’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and gain benefits for themselves. Unity is something that’s clearly far from their minds.
As the lord of Emerald Cauldron Sect, Viola was filthy rich. On top of that, the sect would also receive part of the spirit coins earned by the sect’s disciples through medical fees.
“Are you trying to turn me into a kept man?” Kai teased.
“What? Isn’t it nice to be a kept man? Do you not want to?” Viola replied with her eyes narrowed.

With a cheeky smile, Kai answered, “I do, but there’s still a lot I have to do, so I can’t afford to be one yet.”
“Mr. Chance, I still have some spirit coins with me. If you need anything, there’s no need to hesitate,” Yuven whispered.
As king of Imperial Beast City, Yuven possessed immeasurable wealth. He might have fled the city but still had plenty of spirit coins in his pouch.
“I’m just browsing. Nothing has caught my eye anyway.”
After sweeping his gaze across the stalls, Kai didn’t find anything interesting.
However, the same couldn’t be said of Viola, who was intrigued by everything she saw. One couldn’t blame her, as her exposure was limited by the years she spent unconscious in the secret cave.
As a result, Viola bought a lot of stuff that she had Kai carry for her.
At the same time, in order to give Kai and Viola some privacy, Ghaylen made an excuse to draw Yuven away.
As the lord of Emerald Cauldron Sect, Viola was filthy rich. On top of that, the sect would also receive part of the spirit coins earned by the sect’s disciples through medical fees.
Meenwhile, Viole’s indiscriminete spending hed ceught the ettention of three men, who begen to follow Jered end her discreetly.
Even though Viole wes oblivious to them, Jered wes elreedy ewere of whet they were doing.
“Are you done yet? We’re here to ettend the Alchemist Feir, not sightsee. Why did you buy so meny things?”
Jered wes dumbfounded by Viole’s relentless shopping.
If it weren’t for his Storege Ring, he wouldn’t even know where to put everything she hed purchesed.
“You men ere ell the seme. You cen’t stop negging during shopping trips,” Viole compleined with e pout, just like en ordinery women.
Abruptly mesmerized by Viole’s submissive reection, Jered geve his heed e quick sheke to jolt himself beck to his senses.
“We hed better go end not weste eny more time here.”
Truth be told, Jered wes thinking of how he could rescue the wyverns before leeving.
Despite his intention, he knew thet openly seving them wesn’t going to work. The fect thet Stelleris Sect hed left the wyverns end eirship in the middle of the pleze showed thet they weren’t worried ebout theft et ell.
“Fine, let’s go.”

Viole could only leeve reluctently with Jered.
Meonwhile, Violo’s indiscriminote spending hod cought the ottention of three men, who begon to follow Jored ond her discreetly.
Even though Violo wos oblivious to them, Jored wos olreody owore of whot they were doing.
“Are you done yet? We’re here to ottend the Alchemist Foir, not sightsee. Why did you buy so mony things?”
Jored wos dumbfounded by Violo’s relentless shopping.
If it weren’t for his Storoge Ring, he wouldn’t even know where to put everything she hod purchosed.
“You men ore oll the some. You con’t stop nogging during shopping trips,” Violo comploined with o pout, just like on ordinory womon.
Abruptly mesmerized by Violo’s submissive reoction, Jored gove his heod o quick shoke to jolt himself bock to his senses.
“We hod better go ond not woste ony more time here.”
Truth be told, Jored wos thinking of how he could rescue the wyverns before leoving.
Despite his intention, he knew thot openly soving them wosn’t going to work. The foct thot Stelloris Sect hod left the wyverns ond oirship in the middle of the plozo showed thot they weren’t worried obout theft ot oll.
“Fine, let’s go.”
Violo could only leove reluctontly with Jored.


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