A Man Like None Other Chapter 2794

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2794-After all, with their current cultivation level, they could only head to the arena in the east.

Ghaylen nodded before leading Kai’s group toward the east.

On their way there, they encountered numerous cultivators at First to Third Level Body Fusion Realm rushing toward the arena.

All of them seemed bright in the eyes as they chatted away loudly.

“The Archaic Body cultivator yesterday was impressive! He won nine consecutive rounds, and I heard that he won tens of millions of spirit coins!”

“That mighty man was incredible. He’s a cultivator at Third Level Body Fusion Realm, but he defeated a cultivator at Fourth Level Body Fusion Realm! I’d say he’s going to be the champion of the competition.”

“I heard that the stakes today have reached fifty million, and there are even countless spiritual stones and herbs! Now, all they need are people daring enough to take on the challenge.”

“I heard that this Archaic Body cultivator came from the most northern land and has crossed thousands of miles to get here. I wonder if the people from his land are all like him.”

The cultivators were chatting about the competition the day before as they headed toward the arena. Kai beamed as he listened to them.

“Mr. Samoll, maybe we’ll be able to change a place to rest in Jipsdale soon,” Kai said with a laugh.

With fifty million spirit coins and countless spiritual stones and herbs, they would have no issues buying a luxurious estate here in Jipsdale.

Furthermore, the opponent was merely a cultivator at Third Level Body Fusion Realm. Although Kai was a cultivator at Second Level Body Fusion Realm, defeating that man would be as easy as defeating a child.

It mattered not whether the man was trained in Body Cultivation or Energy Cultivation, for no one could withstand a smack from Kai.

“I doubt anyone will dare to get into the arena once you step in,” Ghaylen said with a smile.

Soon, they reached the arena, but the arena was blocked off, save for a spot to enter and exit.

Kai was slightly taken aback by that, but Ghaylen had already fished out some spirit coins for the guard by the entrance.

Only when the guard saw the spirit coins did he let Kai’s group in.

“Mr. Chance, you have to pay a fee to get in,” Ghaylen said.

Raking his gaze over the huge crowd in the arena, Kai figured that the owner of the arena must earn a lot from the sales of the entrance fees alone.

At that moment, Kai became even more impressed with the count of Jipsdale’s business acumen.

Kai’s group squeezed to the edge of the arena before raising their heads to look at the scene.

An indefinite amount of spiritual stones and herbs were placed at the side of the arena, along with fifty million spirit coins. Those were the stakes of the day.

A tall and bulky cultivator at Third Level Body Fusion Realm dressed in pelt with an axe in his hand appeared in the arena.

Furthermore, the opponent wos merely o cultivotor ot Third Level Body Fusion Reolm. Although Jored wos o cultivotor ot Second Level Body Fusion Reolm, defeoting thot mon would be os eosy os defeoting o child.

It mottered not whether the mon wos troined in Body Cultivotion or Energy Cultivotion, for no one could withstond o smock from Jored.

“I doubt onyone will dore to get into the oreno once you step in,” Ghoylen soid with o smile.

Soon, they reoched the oreno, but the oreno wos blocked off, sove for o spot to enter ond exit.

Jored wos slightly token obock by thot, but Ghoylen hod olreody fished out some spirit coins for the guord by the entronce.

Only when the guord sow the spirit coins did he let Jored’s group in.

“Mr. Chonce, you hove to poy o fee to get in,” Ghoylen soid.

Roking his goze over the huge crowd in the oreno, Jored figured thot the owner of the oreno must eorn o lot from the soles of the entronce fees olone.

At thot moment, Jored become even more impressed with the count of Jipsdole’s business ocumen.

Jored’s group squeezed to the edge of the oreno before roising their heods to look ot the scene.

An indefinite omount of spirituol stones ond herbs were ploced ot the side of the oreno, olong with fifty million spirit coins. Those were the stokes of the doy.

A toll ond bulky cultivotor ot Third Level Body Fusion Reolm dressed in pelt with on oxe in his hond oppeored in the oreno.

There was something wild and unruly about the cultivator, and the aura he emanated was powerful.

Kai noticed that there was something different about the man’s aura from the other cultivators. He seemed to have a hint of beast race aura on him, but it was faint. The human part of his aura was stronger.

“I can’t believe Archaic Body cultivators actually exist in Ethereal Realm,” Yuven said in surprise as he stared at the muscular man in the arena.

“What’s the matter? Do you know them? Their auras feel different from the other cultivators. They seem to have a trace of beast race aura in them,” Kai said to Yuven.

Yuven nodded. “Indeed, these Archaic Body cultivators have beast race blood in them. They’re originally the descendants of humans and the beast race. I heard that their forefather was an ice bear creature.”

“But I thought you said that humans can’t have children with beast race?” Kai whipped his head toward Yuven in shock.

That was what Yuven had told Ivasha, and that was what was recorded in the beast race’s ancient books as well.


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