A Man Like None Other Chapter 2846

A Man Like None Other Chapter 2846-“Hmph, so what if he can fight beyond his level? I’m not afraid of him at all!”

Cloud let out a snort before scrutinizing Viola with a look. “Babe, you don’t look familiar. Where are you from? Do you want me to show you a good time?”

“You shameless jerk!” Viola snapped while rolling her eyes.

“Hahaha, that’s quite a temper you have there, babe, but I like that attitude. I am the scion of Stellaris Sect. You’ll enjoy a life of luxury if you come with me. I’m sure it will be much better than staying with that Second Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator, no?” Cloud suggested with a sleazy look..

Pfft! Viola spat in response. “Do you have a death wish?” Kai asked with an icy look.

Cloud was briefly stunned before breaking out in hearty laughter. “What did you say, kid? Me? Have a death wish? Hahaha, are you kidding. me? You’re just a Second Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator. How dare you speak to me that way? Believe it when I say I can crush you with just one hand!”

“Well, I don’t believe you!” Kai shook his head. “Looks like I really need to demonstrate it to you!”

While speaking, Cloud was about to lunge at Kai when Tyrone stopped him. “Calm down, Mr. Seizon. Fighting is not allowed in Jipsdale. This guy is just provoking you into attacking him. Therefore, we cannot take his bait. If we were to be caught fighting here, we would be heavily punished and kicked out of the city.”

The advice caused Cloud to retract his hand before shooting Kai a piercing look. “Kid, you can only behave with impunity here. Once we’re outside Jipsdale, I’ll definitely kill you for freeing Stellaris Sect’s three wyverns!”

“Oh? You don’t dare to hit me?” Kai sneered.

“Do you? If you dare, come on then. Punch me right here!” Cloud thrust his face forward to goad Kai into hitting him, for he was certain the latter wouldn’t dare break the laws of Jipsdale either.

However, little did he know that the law didn’t scare Kai, as the countess of Jipsdale was beholden to the latter. Therefore, even if Kai broke the law, he would be absolved of any punishment. Consequently, Kai unleashed a slap upon Cloud just as the latter’s face leaned forward.

Smack! A crisp sound rang out upon impact. Immediately after, Kai slammed a kick right into Cloud’s chest. As Cloud was caught off guard, the powerful kick propelled his body back, sending it crashing into the courtyard behind.

Right then, the stunned crowd gave Kai a look of disbelief. No one had expected him to dare assault someone within Jipsdale.

“Mr. Seizon! Mr. Seizon…” Tyrone and the old woman hurried to Cloud’s side to help him up. In the meantime, Kai strode out of the room. As for everyone else in the living room, they, too, swarmed outside, hoping to follow the unfolding drama.

“Argh, you b*stard! How dare you hit me. I’m going to kill you if that’s the last thing I do!” Cloud thundered.

He felt utterly humiliated that a Second Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator like Kai slapped him, a Seventh Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator, in front of everyone before sending him flying with a kick.

“Mr. Seizon, you must calm down! Please, stay your hand. The guards from Jipsdale will be arriving any time,” Tyrone pleaded as he desperately held Cloud back.

No sooner had he spoken than a few armored guards of Jipsdale barged into the courtyard with weapons in their hands.

“Who was it that started a fight here?” one of the guards demanded. “It was him. He was the one who struck Mr. Seizon,” Tyrone said with his finger pointed at Kai.


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