Return Of The God Of War Chapter 336

Chapter 336

The Gonzales family’s plan was to marry Una to the God of War.

“What if the God of War doesn’t fancy her?” someone questioned.

Everyone was rendered speechless by that question.

That was highly likely, too.

Luke suggested, “I have an idea. We can trick the God of War to sleep with Ms. Una. He cannot undo his actions, so he would have to marry her after that!”

Winston’s eyes gleamed. “That is a brilliant plan!”

The Gonzales family was scheming so that Levi would end up marrying Una.

While the Gonzales family schemed, the members of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce were also busy making plans of their own.

After all, Morris Group was finally becoming a threat that they could no longer ignore. Things were getting out of their control, and they were running out of ideas for what to do.

The only plan they had was to somehow find a way to associate themselves with the God of War and Commander-in-Chief Covington.

That was why they had invited Grover Cooke over tonight. They hoped that he would be able to help them come up with an idea.

“Morris Group has been developing at a rapid pace recently.

A lot of companies are offering them all sorts of preferential treatment! I guess since it’s helping the economy of North Hampton, that’s a good thing,” Grover mused.

“But at this rate, they’ll soon be taking over our market, which leaves us in a very precarious situation!”

“They’re so ambitious that they’re even going after the Gonzales family businesses! It’s only a matter of time before they come after us next.”

Eric and the others fretted.

“Do you have any ideas, Mr. Cooke?” Clifford asked.

The man in question shook his head helplessly.

“Nothing much will come of working from the shadows. You have seen for yourselves their ability to resolve all problems thrown their way.”

He paused before suggesting, “Maybe you should try forcefully buying over Morris Group?”

“That might just work!” Eric and the other men’s eyes gleamed viciously.

Baldwin seemed doubtful as he stated, “I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.

I’ve heard about how mysterious the boss of Morris Group is. Nobody knows who he or she is.”

Shaking his head, Wallace rebutted, “It’s not that hard. Have you forgotten how we used to buy over the other companies?”

The men exchanged sly looks.

“Alright then, you guys should probably focus on preparing for the ceremony.

I’ll have Jesse introduce you to the God of War and Commander-in-Chief Covington when the time comes.

With those two supporting you, you’ll still be fine even if you dance a little too close to the illegal side of things,” Grover finished with a smile.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Cooke! The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce shall forever be grateful to you!” the men fervently expressed.

After the incident at the hospital, Morris Group had been flourishing at a quick pace.

The celebrities endorsing their products were also reaping the benefits of this with a huge upsurge of advertisement invitations.

By contrast, business for Everest Entertainment had been getting increasingly worse. It was only a matter of time before they went bankrupt.


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