The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 1689

“Oh my goodness…”

Alex Rockefeller was shocked.

What were over a dozen men dressed in black doing in his manor in the middle of the night?

When Alex turned around to look at these people, he found that they were also looking at him.


Koda Miki was enraged.

Maya Howards had slapped him in public. In Japanese tradition, women were only good enough to give birth to the next generation and look after men in everyday life. They were supposed to be inferior in all matters. In the end, Koda actually got slapped by a woman. When he wanted to react, bodyguards from Lush Cosmetics tossed him directly into a pile of trash outside.

It was extremely humiliating.

Miki Consortium’s business hadn’t been doing well for the past few years. Several of their primary products encountered problem after another. As the director of Miki Consortium’s international marketing department, he bore an irrefutable responsibility for this. In other words, his business decisions were questionable.

The problematic products severely affected Miki Consortium’s international reputation.

Koda needed to create a product so attractive it would rake in enough profits. That was the only way he could cover up the previous losses. With that, he’d be able to protect his status in Miki Consortium.

After having that idea, Koda set his eyes right away on Lush Cosmetics, a brand rising in popularity in America. He wanted to take over its international marketing rights.

Maya, the woman with unique looks and an aura that made men desire her uncontrollably, actually refused to cooperate with the Miki Consortium. She even slapped Koda in the face.

Koda was about to show her who was fiercer!

After finding out about where Maya lived, Koda brought his men that night to sneak in. To his surprise, he saw a man petting a cat by the pond after jumping into the manor.

Why wasn’t this man sleeping in the middle of the night, and why would he be petting a cat by the pond?

‘Is something wrong with you? You gave us a fright!’ Koda thought.

Koda was a martial arts expert himself. This time, he had sneaked in with his men without the knowledge of anyone. Now that he hadn’t found Maya, he naturally couldn’t alarm the people inside the manor. Hence, Koda immediately decided to knock this crazy cat-petting man out.


Koda lashed out at lightning speed. He reached his hand toward Alex’s neck.

Right then, a white light flashed. Alex didn’t move, but Old Whitey instantly dashed forward. It extended its right paw and fiercely scratched Koda’s palm.


Koda felt a coolness in his hand. After that, the pain hit him. It was a gut-wrenching kind of pain. When Koda fixed his eyes on his hand, he was dumbfounded.

His extended hand looked as if it had been sliced with three knives. From the base of his palm to the tip of his fingers, his hand had been sliced into three parts. Never mind the torn skin and flesh; even his bones were cut open.

Fresh blood gushed out from his hand like a fountain.

“My… My hand! B*stard!”


Although Koda didn’t want to scream, it looked way too horrifying, and it hurt too much. He couldn’t help but yell at the top of his voice.

The group of men in black that came with him immediately started attacking Alex. However, the results were predictable.

These people couldn’t even touch the edge of Alex’s shirt. In fact, Alex wasn’t even moving. These people had all been struck down by Old Whitey. Half of them died, while the remaining few were severely injured.

“Are you Japanese?”

Alex could tell from their accent

After that, he changed his mind and started laughing. “Do you happen to be from Japan’s Miki Consortium?”

Before Koda could speak, Maya, Waltz Fleur, and the rest came running out after hearing the commotion. They tore away the masks of the men who invaded their manor, exposing the faces of all these men.


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