Return Of The God Of War Chapter 341

Chapter 341

She had thought she would be able to escape him by coming to North Hampton, yet here he was.

He was like a nightmare that she could never shake!

In a chilly tone, she queried, “What are your conditions? How much do you want this time?”

Snickering, he answered, “I don’t want money.”

Money was not something he was currently lacking. The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce had already paid him ten million to come here and had promised him forty million once he got the job done.

Indeed, they were going to use him to buy over Morris Group.

They had searched far and wide before they finally discovered him and his history with Iris. Realizing he held valuable blackmail material over her head, they had hired him to do their bidding.

This was one of the methods they loved to use to obtain other companies. They would either dig for blackmail material on the opposing company’s upper management or find the weakest link and use them to attack from within.

Another more ruthless method would be to threaten the upper management staff with their families’ lives.

When it came to forcefully buying over a company, loss of life was inevitable.

After all, the business world was like a battlefield.

Lives were lost and blood was shed.

This was why the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce was so confident in its ability to obtain Morris Group.

A confused expression crossed Iris’ face. “Huh? Then what do you want?”

Chuckling slyly, Louis stated, “I heard you’re some bigshot who controls Morris Group now. Your current net worth is probably more than one billion, right? You seem to be doing much better here than when you were overseas!”

A fissure of unease shot through the woman. In a cautious tone, she asked, “What do you want?”

“You’re in charge of Morris Group, aren’t you?”

“I’m only the vice president, but most of the decision-making power is in my hands.”

“So that would mean the president actually leaves you to deal with running the company?”

She nodded. “Yes, that’s right.”

“Great! Then you can make the decision right now if I want to buy over Morris Group, right?”

His words had the color draining from her face.

She shouted, “What? Are you crazy?! You want to buy over Morris Group? Do you have any idea how much the company is worth? Close to twenty billion! Where are you going to get that much money?”

“Well, not me per se, but my boss!” he amended.

The uneasy feeling in her grew, and she sensed there was something else going on here.

“Who’s your boss?”

“The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce! They deliberately sent me here to negotiate with you,” he declared as his eyes scrutinized her closely.

“What? The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce?” she repeated dumbly in shock.

The next second, realization dawned, and she could have slapped herself.

They were purposely using Louis to threaten her exactly because he held something of hers!

He uttered, “You have two options. One, Morris Group joins the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce and becomes one of their members. Two, they outright buy over Morris Group.”

Immediately, she shook her head. “No way! Morris Group and the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce are business competitors! Our company will never agree to join them.”

“They knew you wouldn’t agree. That’s why I’m here. You said you were in charge of Morris Group, didn’t you? Then I would suggest you seriously consider joining them. It would be better for you in the long run.” That infuriating smile was still curling his lips.

“Never! We’ll never join them no matter what! You can forget about it!” she refused.

Tsking, Louis crooned, “Iris, do you seriously think you have a choice? If you don’t agree, I’ll share what I know with the public. I wonder what they’ll think about this rising star of the business world being such a s***ty woman in private?”

He casually glanced down at the magazine he held in his hands, where a picture of Iris smiled back at him.


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