The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 1057

Anna’s ink black hair fell over her shoulders. It wasn’t like her hair was very long, to begin with, and it was only slightly past shoulder length at most, but with her hair down, it added a touch of femininity to her.
“This guy…” Anna ran her fingers through her hair to tidy it up a little, her cheeks flushed.
Alex found that since he had reached the Divine Transcendence level, his mental power had increased greatly, and using the techniques from the Ultimate Book of Medicine came easier than usual. The knots for Red Shackles were done smoothly, and the spiritual lock was aimed at the wraith puppet, so it wouldn’t be able to run away even if it wanted to.
Perhaps the wraith puppet realized the approaching danger, and its already ugly features became even more horrendous.
It opened his mouth wide and hissed sharply.
Stacey, who was under its control, also opened her mouth and made an abnormal sound. “Get lost!”
A burst of black air burst forth from her mouth in that instant.
However, the Red Shackles in Alex’s hands emitted a red glow at the same time, pushing back the black air. The red glow transformed into a big net invisible to ordinary people, instantly binding all the black air, including the wraith puppet on Stacey’s back.
The knot tightened!
The wraith puppet was compressed into a small ball, trapped inside the red net. It looked like a red ball of thread.
“I’ve caught it!”
With Anna having her spiritual eye opened, she personally saw the entire process of how Alex had caught the wraith puppet. It was both a novel and a terrible experience, and she looked at Alex with bright, astonished eyes.
At the same time, in a closed, secret room on the fifth floor below Amaryllis Tower, an old man opened his eyes abruptly. The insides of his eyes were pitch black with no sign of any white.
He opened his mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood.
Even the blood that came from his mouth was black. After a while, the darkness in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his eyes returned to that of an ordinary person.
Then, he stood up suddenly and rushed out of the secret room.
Also, at the same time, Stacey looked to be a robot that had lost all power. She stood rooted to the spot, her eyes blank.
“What happened to her?!”
The members from Missouri’s Divine Constabulary all looked at Stacey before turning to look at Alex.
“It’s fine. She had just been controlled by someone wicked. Now that the medium has been eliminated, the driving force behind it is gone, but her mind has not yet recovered,” Alex replied, hanging the red ball of thread on his belt like some trinket.
“Huh? Can she still recover?” Jamie asked, panicked.
“Of course!”
Alex was immediately preparing to use the Seven Needles of Exorcism to restore Stacey’s mind, but he suddenly felt a strong murderous aura in the next moment, rushing up from the ground at a fast speed. In a blink of an eye, it had reached the first floor of Amaryllis Tower.
For a moment, an overwhelming pressure pressed down upon the entire Amaryllis Tower.
There was also a strong scent of blood that was so strong, it made them feel nauseous, and they wanted to throw up.
“The real master is coming. Step back!”
Alex pushed Stacey toward Jamie, then pulled Anna back up all the way to the walls.
Alex didn’t really care much about Stacey.
However, it was a different matter with Anna.
Anna’s heart beat wildly as Alex pulled her by her hand, and she couldn’t help but think, ‘This guy, he disregarded Stacey Cooper, the granddaughter of Missouri’s ninth division commander, and instead was more concerned about my safety. Is he also interested in me? Huh? Why did I use the word ‘also’? It must be because he has too many women!’
Alex would never have imagined that Tigress Anna would be thinking of nonsensical things like this at this moment. What the heck was he doing?
He was surprised at the strong scent of blood that hung in the air.
Just by observing with his Third Eye, he could clearly feel the huge amount of resentment accumulated in the air that reeked of blood.


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