The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 1224

“My daughter, Soraya Melvis looked for Shaun Baker and Lochlan Glen to rescue Tucker Melvis in California before this. Tucker is back now, but what happened to my daughter? I’m worried about her!”
Speaking of this matter, Zachary was at a loss for words. He looked at Lexia with his mouth agape. All of a sudden, he slightly regretted walking in there.
“Guardian Xavier, hurry up and say something!”
“She… Um, she’s fine at the moment. I assure you that I’ll definitely think of a way to bring her back.”
In fact, Zachary only came to find out what Alex had done to the people in there. He almost laughed when he saw the Grandmaster Samberg was as black as coal. Now, he could confirm that Alex was indeed Geronimo Melvis’s grandson. Moreover, the poisoners were Ruby Lamar and Bennett Melvis. So, he was even more confident that Alex would become the president of Divine Constabulary.
As for the other matters, it could be dealt with later.
“Cough, cough! I’ll go look for Alex Rockefeller and beg for forgiveness on behalf of Soraya now!”
“Yes, I’ll do that immediately!” Zachary fled as soon as he finished talking.
He thought, ‘This little girl, Soraya is truly an idiot to be obsessed with an old man like Shaun Baker. Alex clearly saved her life, yet she repaid his kindness with a grudge. She deserves to suffer more at Moonlight Lake so that she could learn a little more lessons. This person must have been spoiled at home and her life is too smooth. She’s used to it.’
Meanwhile, at Moonlight Lake, Soraya, Shaun, Lochlan and four other half-stepped Grandmasters were still circling in the center of the lake like a bunch of headless flies. It had been almost four hours, they were about to fall apart!
“What the hell is going on here?”
“Why can’t we get out of here no matter what?”
“Even if it’s an illusion, it can’t possibly be this kind of situation, right?”
Within the force field of the spell formation, they could not distinguish all the directions nor see the environment on the outside. There was no signal in their phones at all, so they could not even send out a message. Lochlan even tried crashing straight ahead but he realized after reaching a certain spot, everything in front would turn blurred. After a while, he would go back to his original spot.
This place looked like an inescapable maze forever. After a long time, they faced a mental breakdown.
More importantly, Soraya needed to urinate very badly. ‘What should I do now?’
‘Do I really have to pee in this boat, in front of so many men?’
In the end, she helplessly jumped into the lake.
In a certain presidential suite of a five star hotel in Alaska, Alex and Aunt Rockefeller stayed there. It was because the time was too early. It was not even four o‘clock. Even the breakfast shops were not opened yet, let alone the restaurants. Aunt Rockefeller wanted to look for a place to have something to eat, unless they went to places that operated 24 hours such as McDonald’s!
However, that place was surely not in line with Aunt Rockefeller’s spending standards.
So, they went to the hotel’s presidential suite. There were some snacks and red wines!
“Hey, little brat!”
“Congratulations, you’re going to have two brides and even a chubby kid soon. Cheers!” Aunt Rockefeller said next to Alex as she held up the red wine.
“What the hell are you doing? I’ll go shower!” Alex stood up and walked to the bathroom.
Aunt Rockefeller grunted coldly as she sipped the red wine outside, alone.
To his surprise, when Alex got out from the shower, she suddenly leaned over him and shouted gently with a mouthful of alcoholic breath, “Hubby!”
And, she kissed him on the lips!


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